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Professor in Economic History . Director of Graduate Studies. Research Interests. I have since my PhD-exam in 1986 primarily concentrated my research to the fields of financial and ...
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Visit Address: Linnégatan 5,39233: Postal Address: Nisbethska, SE-39182 Kalmar: Email: [email protected]: Office Phone: 0480-447373: Cell Phone: 070-8451433
Avhandlingar om MATS LARSSON. Sök bland 34267 avhandlingar från svenska högskolor och universitet på
Molecule formation in interstellar space by dissociative recombination. Mats Larsson. Department of Physics, AlbaNova, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Sony Ericsson (Public Company; Telecommunications industry): Head of Systems Software Architecture, (September 2007-July 2009)...