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Mathieu Wille [801001074333] - Ghent University [email protected]; Peter Bossier [801000959751] - Ghent University [email protected]; Willy Verstraete [801000252055] - Ghent ...
Recirculation systems: Sustainable alternatives for backyard shrimp hatcheries in Asia? by Thach Thanh, Truong Trong Nghia, Mathieu Wille and Patrick Sorgeloos.
[My paper] Mathias Corteel, João J Dantas-Lima, Mathieu Wille, Victoria Alday-Sanz, Maurice B Pensaert, Patrick Sorgeloos, Hans J Nauwynck
In addition, Mathieu Wille is going to write the review article on ICES standard diets and emulsions. Thus, WGMAFC has made good progress in producing review articles on various ...