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Saffelberg Investments, Marleen Vercammen is Chief Financial Officer ... Marleen Vercammen* (1961) joined Saffelberg Investments in 2008 as Chief Financial Officer.
General Management . Danny Van Welkenhuyzen General Manager. Alisdair Currie Office Manager. Christine Gouennou Executive Secretary. Marleen Vercammen
Personal Assistant to Jos Sluys & Marleen Vercammen Accounting Mob. +32 472 261 808 This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
A polaroid filter was used to capture this scene. [Photo : Joris PEETERS - our special thanks to Marleen VERCAMMEN & Toni VAN UTRECHT for sending us this photo]
Chairman of the Management Committee first appointed: 2008 Area of accountability ... Marleen Vercammen