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MARIT ESPELAND. I'm a visual artist and photographer my field is both print and screen-based media. I create imagery and graphics for a great variety of settings, television/ film ...
Marit Espeland has made some very nifty animation sequences for a documentary about the musician Fartein Valen, combining her excellent photographic skills with some serious ...
Marit Espeland: HMS leder : AGR Drilling Services: Marit Espeland: HSE Manager: AKEL: Rune Brurås: Engineer: Aker Kværner Subsea: Arne Bengt Riple: Vice President
... Odd Espeland : M: ii: Birger Espeland : M: iii: Einar Espeland : F: iv: Marit Espeland: Lars Hans. Espeland was born in 1798 in Espeland, Fana. He died in 1849 in ...
Public Roads Administration. Henrik Duus Tel. +47 9116 9734 Marit Espeland Tel. +47 2207 3848. Norwegian Cyclists’ Association Trond Berget Tel. +47 2247 3040
MNM productions (Self-employed) (Self-Employed; Media Production industry): Project manager, (April 2010-Present)...
KCA Deutag (Oil & Energy industry): HSE coordinator, (2009-Present)
KCA Deutag Drilling Ltd (Oil & Energy industry): HSE Coordinator,&nb...