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// Anne-Marie Pettersson LibrarianLibrary Gräsvik, Karlskrona Chatt: // Phone: +46 455 - 38 51 10 Fax: +46 455 - 38 51 07 E-mail: anne-marie.pettersson@bth.
KARLSTAD UNIVERSITY SE-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden: Phone: +46-54-700 10 00 E-mail: [email protected]: Contact us Maps and communication: About this website
Anne-Marie Pettersson. Frescati Hagväg 8 Room A202 Department of Psychology Stockholm University SE-106 91 Stockholm Tel: +46-8-163815 Fax: +46-8-161002
Marie Lagerlöf Law Offices. Our clients receive the best legal counselling in our specialist fields; family law, inheritance law, criminal law, aliens law, law of tort (civil ...
References: 1. Långström, B. and Day, K. R. (2004) Damage, control and management of weevil pests, especially Hylobius abietis , chapter 19, 415-444.
Pernod Ricard (Food & Beverages industry): accountant, (2000-Present)
FrskringsUtveckling AB (Insurance industry): Chef Kundcenter, (August 1999-January 2010)
Linkpings Universitet (Research industry): Forskarassiste...