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Location: Aarhus University Lecturer: Professor xxxxxx Registration here to Margit Sommer, School of Economics and Management, Aarhus University
Registration to Margit Sommer: August 4-6, 2010 - Location: Aarhus University, Room 340, Building 1325 : Joint with Center for Research in Econometric Analysis of TimE Series ...
PhD courses are arranged jointly between Danish Graduate Programme in Economics and CREATES. For participation in PhD courses, contact Margit Sommer.
Registration: To register for the course send an e-mail to Margit Sommer at [email protected]. dk no later than June 15, 2010. Please include information about your current student ...
Søderholm, Margit: Sommer på Hellesta. 1983. DKK 70 Sødring, M.F. (Ved) En pariserfærd i efteraaret 1866. Breve til hjemmet fra fabrikant C. Sødring og hustru Julie Sødring, f