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28.9.2010 Pilots and results áLaura Marcia Villalba Monné, Remote credential management tool for an On -ERDUG*FUHGHQWLDO*DSSOLFDWLRQ**0DVWHU∂V*WKHVLV***** áAndré Palas de Andrade
Laura Marcia Villalba Monne Janne Kaavi Maxim Suraev Kari Visala Puneet Kaur Alberto Vila Tena RamaSivaKarthik Mallavarapu Laura Marcia Villalba Monne
Victor Valle Juarranz & Marcia Villalba: Mobile TV (DVB-H, MediaFLO, ...) Li Jingxuan & Yuwei Chen: Positioning, location systems, and tracking André Andrade & Mirco ...
Laura Marcia Villalba A survey of mobile social networking . Henri Arjamaa Energy Consumption Estimates of Information and Communication Technology: synthesis and analysis . Rasmus ...
David Munoz Sanchez, Laura Marcia Villalba, Alberto Vila Tena : 84.01 : 3 : Rushil Dave, Sridhar Moorthy, S.M. Moshiur Rahman : DNS : 4 : Olli Kattelus, Anton Panhelainen, Antti Lappalainen