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... Bente Nørgaard, CPD-aalborg, Aalborg University, Denmark, Anne Murphy, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, anne.murphy@dit. ie Lisbeth Skytte ...
Author -Ole Rokkjær, Bente Nørgaard, Anne Murphy, Lisbeth Skytte, Niels Hannemose, Isabel Tort Ausina, Israel Quintanilla Garcia, Patricio Montesinos
... Christensen, Keramik Unik, Signe Bailey, Mee & Taarsted, Jeanette List Amstrup, Lene Hansen, Nelly Gaskin, Anette Nordentoft Petersen, Vicki Hansen, Nina Lund, Lisbeth Skytte ...
Furthermore you will se new forms and colours from fra Bjarni Sigurdssson, Lisbeth Skytte Christiansen, Eddie Mee and St. Galla - and Priip has made her well known earrings in many ...
Vibeke Abraham - Jewellery Lisbeth Skytte Christiansen - Ceramics : Lise Øvlisen - Ceramics Bodil Sebrina Christensen - Paintings Karin Mouridsen - Jewellery
- Vejle Amt & Horsens Kommune (Professional Training & Coaching industry): Miljsagsbehandler, industrimilj, (April 2006-December 2007) Udarb...