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Author Title Year Fulltext
Leif Israelsson, Sundsvall, Sweden . 1030 – 1045: Discussion. 1045 – 1100 Coffee break . Hernia surgery in specialized centers: Patient selection, logistics and the repair
16.00-16.20: Enterostomy with a mesh: Leif Israelsson: 16.20-16.40: Colonstent? When and how? Soren Meisner: 16.40-17.00: Discussion: 19.00: Evening buffet
[My paper] Yucel Cengiz, Jan Dalenbäck, Gunnar Edlund, Leif Israelsson, Arthur Jänes, Mats Möller, Anders Thorell
Department of Surgery and Perioperative Science, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. [email protected]