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You can navigate this page to contact LN Sound, check out the portfolio of previous projects, or find links out of here… Lars H. Nissen: Lars Nissen
Stephen Simmonds Al Stone: Vidar Busk Anders Engen / Ulf Holand: Sator Michael Ilbert: Dalia Faitelson Iversen: Kaare Norge Jan Sivertsen: Party Animals Lars Nissen
... T: +45 8743 6442, E: [email protected] Manufacturing Services, MFS Focus areas: Manufacturing of electronics and harnesses for the aerospace industry, headed by VP Lars Nissen.
Some of the headliner bands travel with their own lighting designer, but most bands on the Orange Stage don’t, so Lars Nissen of Seelite created a number of cues that bands could ...
Mixed by: Lars Nissen. Mastered at: Tocano, by Jan Eliasson. Produced by: Jan Sivertsen. Photography: Thomas Nellemann. Styling: Camilla Bruun Artwork: Kjeld Vagner Dalby.
Fogh & Flner Arkitekter A/S (Architecture & Planning industry): Projektleder, (November 2001-November 2008)
Elgiganten (Privately Held; Consumer Electronics industry): Salgsleder i Tele, (2006-2006)
Sonofon Partner (Retai...
ETI Connect (Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Telecommunications indust...
B-K Medical (Privately Held; Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry): Development engineer, (2001-Present) Design of Digital PCB used in ultrasound. M...
LN Sound (Music industry): Freelance SoundProducer/Recording Engineer/Mixer, (1997-Present)
Easy Sound Recording (Music industry): Sound Engineer, (1994-1997)
Sony Mobile studio&nbs...