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Lara Sels [801001219328] - Ghent University [email protected]; Title Deux traductions slavonnes du 'De hominis opificio' de Grégoire de Nysse (Xe et XIVe siècles).
Editorial Secretaries: Lara SELS (Univ.Gent), Ben DHOOGE (Univ.Gent) Editorial Assistant: Inge CLAERHOUT
dr. Lara Sels (Ghent University) "Embracing the limits of language. Apophatic theology in Gregory of Nyssa" 14.00-14.30: dr. Julia Konstantinovsky (University of Oxford)
Lara Sels (09 264 38 15) Olena Shkrybtiyenko; administrative and technical staff (3)
Ghent University (Educational Institution; Research industry): Editor-...