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Kristoffer Haldrup: with Jesper Nygård and P.E. Lindelof: Jan Hansen: with Luise Theil Kuhn and P.E. Lindelof: Gunnar Gunnarsson: with P.E. Lindelof: Kasper Grove Rasmussen
Martin Kristoffer Haldrup. Postdoc. NanoPhysics, Niels Bohr Institute Universitetsparken 5, bygn. D 2100 København Ø. Office: HCØ, D304 Phone: +45 353-20393 Phone (Reception ...
Together with physicist Kristoffer Haldrup, Morten Christensen has filmed a reaction they controlled. Other research groups have broken up molecules and observed how the remnants ...
Current Highlight . When a crystal of perylene molecules is illuminated by light ... Kristoffer Haldrup haldrup @ fys. ku. dk
Kristoffer Haldrup Post Doc at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen Tel: +45 3532 0393/mobile: +452298 3720 Email: [email protected]