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Kirsti Hakkarainen: Title of the play: Onneksi on rahaa: Playwright: Kirsti Hakkarainen: Title of the play: Piirakat: Playwright: Kirsti Hakkarainen: Title of the play
Personal nurse Kirsti Hakkarainen: tel. 09 310 57368: Personal doctor Kari Pyykkönen Personal nurse Merja Järveläinen: tel. 09 310 57735: Personal doctor Torda Szilvay
Texts: Pirkko Jaakola, Kirsti Hakkarainen, Ahti Taponen, Jukka Itkonen Vocals: Monna Kamu, Taru Nyman, Ritva Sorvali Piano: Marjatta Meritähti
We Do Have the Money by Kirsti Hakkarainen Radio play - 7 women, 5 men - t. Aaron Bell What, No Ashes? by Tauno Yliruusi Comedy - 3 women, 7 men - t