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In addition, I thank to Mrs. Kirsi Laaksonen for checking patiently and providing quickly the needed chemicals, as well as to Mr. Jaakko Hellmann for helping me with the NMR solvents
Tikkurilantie 136 01510 Vantaa FINLAND Kirsi Laaksonen Phone: +358 108205808 Fax: +358 108205801 [email protected]
Kirsi Laaksonen : Immunologiset mekanismit allergeenispesifisessä immunoterapiassa : Johannes Savolainen: Venla Lehti: Lisääntymisterveyteen liittyvän riskikäyttäytymisen ...
In charge of Forssa unit's IT-support services: Risto Mattila Kirsi Laaksonen Toni Kankkunen mation between students, tutors and school personnel . Before I moved to Forssa, I lived in the ...