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... surfaces blasted with TiO 2 particles . 2001. Currently a supervisor for the following students at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen: Kerstin Schander ...
Kerstin Schander. PhD candidate, DDS, Department of Clinical Dentistry. University of Bergen. Email: [email protected]. Tel (+ 47) 55 58 65 40
[email protected]. Sjursen, Therese Thornton. PhD Candidate . Tlf: +47 55 58 65 89. [email protected]. Skartveit, Liv. Associate Professor
98 swedish dental journal vol. 33 issue 3 2009 swed dent j 2009; 33: 97-103 schander et al Kerstin Schander, Mats Jontell, Peter Johansson, Gunnela Nordén, Magnus Hakeberg, John ...
Department of Clinical Dentistry, Center for Clinical Dental Research, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. [email protected]
Dentist in private practice (Medical Practice industry): Dentist, Specialist in Periodontics, (July 2009-Present)
University of Goth...