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Not everyone has the best interests of our children before their eyes,” Kerstin Franzén notes. “Some young people wake up with memories that they would prefer to be without.
For further information, contact Kerstin Franzén, international co-ordinator. School administration . Principal Erik Lenne . Asst. principals Peter Andersson
Activities (conferences, séminars, meetings...) Colloque : DIA Euromeeting, Theme: "The Future of Regulation" (co-organiser with Kerstin Franzen), Barcelone, Spain ...
For further information, contact Kerstin Franzén, international co-ordinator. Phone +46 620 692930 Mobile: +46 70 6465109
CD and zip delivery Kerstin Franzén, affärsvärlden, annonsavdelningen 106 12 Stockholm Visiting address: mäster Samuelsgatan 56 [email protected] telefax: +46-8 21 65 13 ...
dalens Gymnasieskolor (Primary/Secondary Education industry): International coordinator and teacher, (1996-Prese...