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Commentaries from Katarina Mattsson & Juan Velasquez . 14.25: Paus: 14.30. Den intersektionella tekniska högskolan - olikhet som resurs för forskning och innovation
Contact. Coordinators for the Body/Embodiment group: Lisa Folkmarson Käll. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +46 (0)18 471 57 98. Katarina Mattsson
Katarina Mattsson - Cleaning/House Wife The following co-workers have left us for new challenges: Svante Rosengren - Retail Ida Mennerholm - Retail
Katarina Mattsson, Ph. D, Research Fellow, Centre for Gender Studies, Uppsala University. [email protected] . In her speech Katarina Mattsson, FD in human geography ...
Aspenfjäll, Jonas Borg, Morgan Björnsson, Anders Cervin, Leif Esensjö, Jan Fuchs, Gertrude Hagman, Jenny Lindstein, Katarina Mattsson, Mikael Norrby, Elisabeth Petrina-Esensjö, Susan ...