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... Karsten Brink. Produced with the support of the Ministry of Education.
E-mail a link to this page to a friend. Fields marked with * are mandatory ... Karsten Brink Head of Real Estate
Since joining FLSmidth in 1991, Karsten Brink Floor, Sales Manager at FLSmidth Airloq, has seen many sides of the company and worked on both sides of the Atlantic.
Karsten Brink Floor Head of Department Direct: +45 9668 2016 [email protected]
By Karsten Brink Floor, FLSmidth Airloq, Denmark. Review 152 Friction Drives Reprint from WORLD CEMENT, October 2004 By Kurt A. Geiger, Brian P. Keefe and Gary R. Kotz, FLSmidth USA
ATP Ejendomme A/S (Real Estate industry): Ejendomskonsulent, (1996-2002)
Kuben Erhvervsejendomme A/S (Privately Held; Construction industry): Ejendomskonsulent,&nb...