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Kari Aalto Manager, International affairs kari.aalto at Kainuu. Paavo Keränen Project Manager paavo.keranen at © Finnish Barents Secretariat 2007-2008
- Chairman of the Regional Committee, Manager of International Affairs Mr. Kari Aalto - Substitute: Executive Director Mr. Pauli Harju The Barents Regional Council Secretariat
Kari Aalto Managing Director Mobile +358 (0)40 762 0612 Email [email protected]. Matti Pihkanen Manager, Sales and Marketing Mobile +358 (0)400 423 051
Kari Aalto, Chairman. tel. +358-45 651 9941, [email protected]. Hilkka Pihanperä, Secretary . members of the board . Leena Airikkala
Mr. Kari Aalto Manager of International Affairs Council of Oulu Region Kauppurienkatu 8 A FIN-90100 Oulu Tel. +358 8 3214 053 GSM +358 40 773 88 88
Abase Oy (Information Technology and Services industry): Education Manager, (February 2003-February 2005)
Oracle Finland Oy (Information Technology and Services industry...
Emic Networks (Information Technology and Services industry): VP Sales & Marketing, (2001-February 2002) ...