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Karel Bogaerts Klaas d'hondt Koen De Decker Bernd Lohaus Johan Tahon Xavier Tricot Camiel Van Breedam Paul Van Coppenolle Kris Van Hemelrijck Ludwig Vandevelde
Karel Bogaerts Klaas d'hondt Koen De Decker Bernd Lohaus Johan Tahon Xavier Tricot Camiel Van Breedam Paul Van Coppenolle Kris Van Hemelrijck Ludwig Vandevelde
(My thanks to Karel Bogaerts, Putte) What strikes me about the statistics is that, over the generations, people hardly moved away from their place of birth.
Contact: Karel Bogaerts Olensteenweg 10 B-2460 Lichtaart Tel.: #32 14 55 66 14 [email protected] * SHEEP+ In Olmen, a farmhouse is being rebuilt and converted into a ...