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Dublin Hotel, O'Callaghan Hotels in Dublin are centrally located in the city centre and range from leading 3 star hotels in Dublin to 4 star hotels in Dublin.
Email all enquiries to [email protected] and remember to attach a copy of your curriculum vitae . Or Contact Julie O'Brien at:
Julie O’ Brien 2002 3. Helena Bradley 2002 4. Ciaran McDonnell 2004 5. Manuela Tosin 2004 6. Alan O’ Brien 2004
For more information please contact Julie O Brien on 029 56400 or 086 SERVICE HIRE Some customers prefer to hire, rather than purchase them. We have, at present, over 100 sweepers ...
Just send an email to [email protected] and we will organise another date for one of the team to visit your school and give a short presentation.