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Virkaa hakivat 10.7.2007 päättyneen määräajan kuluessa KtT Iiris Aalto,TkT Paul Buhanist, VTT Marko Elovainio, TkT Raimo Hyötyläinen, TkT Stina Immonen, VTT Jukka Lipponen ...
Jukka Lipponen Perttu Ranta-Aho Pasi Karjalainen University of Kuopio. Department of Physics. Mika Tarvainen Juha-Pekka Niskanen Jukka Lipponen Perttu Ranta-Aho
... Backman for her longtime friendship and readiness to answer my questions concerning scientific work, to Eeva Honkanummi for tireless support and inspiring company, and Jukka Lipponen ...
Ratakatu 14 FIN-486 00 KARHULA Finland Phone. +358-5 340 84 00 Fax. +358-5 340 84 24 [email protected] Contact: Jukka Lipponen
Jukka Lipponen Work Psychology and Leadership Jukka Lipponen received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from University of Helsinki (2001). His research interests include organizational ...