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psychologist, psychotherapist, cognitive psychotherapy, work and organizational psychology, consultant
Simulaatio ja sen käyttömahdollisuuksia Juhani Tiuraniemi psykologian tohtori Psykologikeskus ProMente Turun yliopiston psykologian laitos
Juhani Tiuraniemi, PhD (Psych.), Psykologikeskus ProMente; Department of Psychology, FIN 20014 University of Turku, Finland. Email: [email protected]
Tags: potilaan | terapeutin | tunteiden | klo | jti | tunnistaminen | terapeutti | tunteet
Juhani Tiuraniemi The devolopment of cognitive psychotherapy training (p.434) Pasi Kainulainen Pheromones - A shadowy communication by odor or just a ...
The Finnish Psychological Association (Mental Health Care industry): PsT, (1979-Present)