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Juha Tuomela tel: +358 40 5224352 . Heikki Järvensivu tel: +358 50 64301. Jussi Linnossuo tel: +358 40 500 4275. Jussi Järvensivu
Juha Tuomela. Industrial Design and Process Planning +358 5 742 2162. Jaana Salomaa. Technical Assistant +358 5 742 2165. Electric, Automation and Applications
Name, age, sex: Juha Tuomela, 38, male Address: Poste Restante, FI-02270 Espoo, FINLAND Email: [email protected] Education: MCSE Occupation: student
Fishing, Golf, Mountain biking, Hunting, Berry picking, Mushroom picking, ... Juha Tuomela Tuusula