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MHK / Time Link is a web application that manages databases for micro-historical research.
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MHK / Time Link is a web application that manages databases for micro-historical research.
Directory of open access journals
Title: Evaluation of the boron and lead in the water Cabelo River – Joao Pessoa – PB: Author: Maria Sallydelândia Sobral de Farias ; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima ; José Dantas ...
Directory of open access journals
Title: Espectral analysis of the vegetagion index in sugarcane irrigated area: Author: Vanda Maria de Lira ; Bernardo Barbosa da Silva ; José Dantas Neto ; Maria ...
Motri. vol.4 no.1; Abstract: S1646 ...
LIMA, Michel Leonardo Ferreira, FERNANDES FILHO, José, DANTAS, Estélio Henrique Martin et al. Development and validation of equation of prediction the load of work for training ...
Simoldes (De financiacin privada; Setor Automotriz): Country Plant Manager, (marzo de 2004-diciembre de 2007) Facilities in Curitiba Brasil to manufacture Plastics Moulds.
Relative references Jose Dantas
Web Results
MHK / Time Link is a web application that manages databases for micro-historical research.
MHK / Time Link is a web application that manages databases for micro-historical research.
Title: Evaluation of the boron and lead in the water Cabelo River – Joao Pessoa – PB: Author: Maria Sallydelândia Sobral de Farias ; Vera Lúcia Antunes de Lima ; José Dantas ...
Title: Espectral analysis of the vegetagion index in sugarcane irrigated area: Author: Vanda Maria de Lira ; Bernardo Barbosa da Silva ; José Dantas Neto ; Maria ...
LIMA, Michel Leonardo Ferreira, FERNANDES FILHO, José, DANTAS, Estélio Henrique Martin et al. Development and validation of equation of prediction the load of work for training ...