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Certificações Internacionais CompTIA - Computing Technology Industry Association CompTIA Security+ Certified Microsoft Microsoft Certified Trainer
ALMEIDA, P., DINIS, L. T., COUTINHO, J., PINTO T, ANJOS R, FERREIRA-CARDOSO, J., et al. (2007). Effect of temperature and radiation on photosynthesis productivity in chesnut ...
Prof. Doutor Jorge Ventura Ferreira Cardoso Ext. 2738 - Email: - Tel. 259 350 738
Jorge Ventura, Siemens "The translation was excellent and very professional, in line with the high quality and style that ONOMA always shows." José Alexandre Lobato, Siemens
Fernando Jorge Ventura Antunes email: [email protected] . João Paulo da Silva Gil Nobre email: [email protected] . Joaquim Norberto Cardoso Pires da Silva