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Jimmy Graveley. Phone +46 (0)36 14 93 29. [email protected]. John Henningsson. Phone +46 (0)8 705 24 10. [email protected]
John Henningsson. Tfn 08-705 24 10. [email protected]. Torbjörn Jonsson. Tfn 070 - 308 91 63. [email protected]. Magnus Gerhardsson. Tfn 070 - 588 11 90
The time of death matches very well when compared with the projections contained in medical records," said prosecutor John Henningsson to the newspaper.
John Henningsson Jur kand Jörgen Hermansson Köpman Kurt Bergqvist Köpman Kurt Bäckström Universitetsadjunkt Kurt Lans Regionchef