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Karlsen, Pål Johan (1975-), writer, Norway. Links. Karlsen, Pål Johan, Norsk Forfattersentrum Find other Nordic Authors named Karlsen Look for more information in Libris, Bibsys, ...
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Robert Johan Karlsen born 1877 in Sortland, Norway. Printed from: Norway Heritage Community Topic URL:
Natalia Jevgenjevna Zenovskaia Karlsen & Eirik Johan Karlsen Postboks 400 NO-9811 VADSØ Norway Visiting address: Tollbugata 7, Vadsø
Dr. med. Steinar Johan Karlsen: Acute effects of extracorporeal shock waves on kidney function and morphology : an experimental and clinical study
Siemens AS (Public Company; 10,001 or more employees; AS; Industrial Automation industry): Project Engineer, (Februar...
Siemens AS (Public Company; 10,001+ employees; AS; Industrial Automation industry): Project Engineer, (February 2008-...