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Accounts for 2006 João Lázaro, treasurer of the Forum, presented the accounts of 2006. He explained that the AGIS 3 project was not approved yet at the time the budget for 2006 was ...
Treasurer: João Lázaro, Secretary General at the Associacao Portuguesa de Apoioa a Vitima - APAV Secretary: Martin Wright, Consultant on restorative justice
... Representantive of the order of nurses in Portugal 3:15pm. -3:30pm - The Aportuguese Association to support victims (APAV) and progresses in the prevention - João Lázaro ...
The Board now consists of the following members: David McKenna, Scotland, President Joao Lazaro, Portugal, Vice-President Helgard van Hüllen, Germany, Treasurer Lyane Sautner, Austria ...
66455 joão lázaro. group 14 23/11. no class no class no class no class no class