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Joanna Zawadzka Resides in Kikol. She was reported missing on February 17, 1997. She was 20 years old. Joanna left around 21.00 to see her friend who lived in the next apartment ...
contact. management and artistic coordination Goshka (Malgorzata Bialek)-----tel. + 44 (0) 131 6699574 mob. +44 0770 335 0030 Public relations Joanna Zawadzka ...
Festival director Joanna Zawadzka said: "This is something we have been trying to organise, as I know there is a lot of demand from local Polish people for more cultural events ...
Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw tel. 022 501 54 18 Coordination: Agnieszka Palenik, Joanna Zawadzka Concept: Smartlink Sp. z o.o. ul. Kościerzyńska 7, 60-446 Poznań e-mail: biuro ...
DZIAŁ SZKOLENIOWY: Krzysztof Mrożek Tel. 667-188-038 e-mail: [email protected] Joanna Zawadzka Tel. 667-401-313 MARKETING: Jagoda czyli Irena - Jolanta Wiśniewska Tel. 667 ...