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Jens Kring Chefkonsulent. Kontaktinfo: Tlf.: +45 6315 5460 Mobil: +45 2320 0324 e-mail: [email protected]
“We deliver a complete solution for mammography,” says Jens Kring, Marketing Manager at Sectra A/S in Denmark. “A major source of security for women being examined using Sectra ...
... advantages with digital mammography systems and I am looking forward to more mammography clinics following Århus County's example in the years immediately ahead," says Jens Kring ...
This club is LOGIN-banned until 2036-10-07, 20:47 ... Jens Kring
I'm convinced that over the next few years many more mammography clinics will follow the example set by Aarhus, says Jens Kring, director of marketing at Sec-tra A/S in Denmark.