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Top left: Halvor Bunkholt, Reginald Hermanns, Knut Stalsberg, Jean-Sebastien L'Heureux, Raymond Eilertsen, Thierry Oppikofer, Louise Hansen. In the middle: Luzia Fisher, Lena E ...
PhD researcher Jean Sebastien L'Heureux (NGU and NTNU) has revealed old quick clay slide deposits in the harbour of Trondheim. Knowledge of such deposits is of crucial importance ...
Jean-Sébastien L’Heureux, Louise Hansen, Oddvar Longva, Arnfinn Emdal & Lars Olav Grande PDF for print (26123 Kb) PDF for screen (3203 Kb)
Jean-Sébastien L'Heureux, Louise Hansen, Oddvar Longva, Arnfinn Emdal & Lars Olav Grande
NTNU (Educational Institution; Higher Education industry): Ph.D, (August 2005-August 2009)
Universit Laval (Educational Institution; Higher Ed...
NTNU (Educational Institution; Higher Education industry): Ph.D, (August 2005-August 2009)
Universit Laval (Educational Institution; Higher Ed...