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Sui is the first Shikoku in Scandinavia and the breed is rather rare. Contact: Jane Johansen . Mail: s [email protected]
Kennel Supassion´s © 2010 • Jane Johansen
Reg. no: 03613/08 dob: 17.01.2008 Color: Hvit/Creme Variety: Powderpuff Breeder Jane Johansen Owner Randi Kjensmo
Jane Johansen Finance Assistant ... Reduce your company’s lighting bill by up to 70% Visit
Handelshøjskolen Opslået: 03-05-2010 Ansøgningsfrist: 2010-5-5 Ansøgning sendes til: Handelshøjskolen Att.: Jane Johansen Fuglesangs Alle 4
Holbaek Sygehus+ Private Practice in Jyderup + Montebello in Spain (Hospital & Health Care industry): physiotherapist, (1985-2001)
KiMs A/S (Privately Held; Consumer Goods industry): Purchasing Assistant, (April 2003-December 2009)
KiMs A/S (Privately Held; 5...