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Individual classification: the 1st place - Jacek Zych the 3rd place - Joanna Borgiel
Jacek Zych Instytut Gruźlicy i Chorób Płuc w Warszawie Pneumonol Alergol Pol 70:278-83
Jacek ZYCH : the landing on the top: 08-09-1995 13-09-1995 : Jerzy BAUCH Krzysztof DROZD Arkadiusz LABEDZ Tomasz KOPACZEWSKI : the landing in water
[My paper] Monika Załeska, Monika Szturmowicz, Jacek Zych, Barbara Roszkowska-Sliz, Urszula Demkow, Renata Langfort, Kazimierz Roszkowski-Sliz
Polbank EFG (Privately Held; Banking industry): Head of Valuations, (January 2007-December 2007)
Geosystems Polska Ltd. (Real Estate ...