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"ZARZĄDZANIE INNOWACYJNE W GOSPODARCE I BIZNESIE" NR 1(8)/2009 Abstracts. PART I. Jacek Nazdrowicz A strategic management impact on level of polish companies innovation
Jacek Nazdrowicz Profil osobowości współczesnego menedżera Personality Profile of the Contemporary Manager. Dorota Frasunkiewicz Zjawisko pracoholizmu
Jacek Nazdrowicz Managers' problems in innovation stimulating Polish companies, in which one of the main problems is low competitive ability need model of modern manager innovator
Jacek Nazdrowicz Barriers and traps in decision making process. This article presents barriers and traps, which can appear in decision making process.
Jacek Nazdrowicz Conditions of making decisions process. This article discusses taking decision process, which is the multistage process beginning with problem identification, ending ...