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The Islanders : Has nothing in common with Belafonte except that they are on the B-side ... Ivo Ivanov : 2nd Violin on Miriam Makeba's album "Reflections "
... posted Jun 4th 2010, 23:40:53 (last edited Jun 4th 2010, 23:44:55 by Ivo Ivanov) Quote
Defence: Ivo Ivanov Defence: Dustley Mulder Defence: Chakib Benzoukane Defence: Veselin Minev Midfield: Joaozinho Midfield: Serginho Greene Midfield: Aleksandr Aleksandrov
Own Ivo Ivanov: 87' in Ivo Ivanov: 87' out Darko Tasevski: 84' Bozhidar Mitrev: 82' Vladimir Gadjev: 78' Moussa Sow: 76' out Tulio de Melo: 76' in Eden Hazard: 64' Veselin Minev
Kensington Temple (Religious Institutions industry): Assistant Music Director, (November 1999-April 2008)
Bulgarian Ministry of Defence (Military industry): IT operat...