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Istvan Kovacs, geboren 1974 in Trier - Duitsland, is opgegroeid in Maastricht en opgeleid in binnenhuisarchitectuur aan de Academie voor Moderne Kunsten te Maastricht. Om even ...
Istvan Kovacs , born 1974 in Trier / Germany, was raised in Maastricht and studied Architectural Design at the Academy of Modern Arts in Maastricht. Wake-up call: he won an Award ...
Hungarian Ambassador, His Excellency Istvan KOVACS, receive the Corps crest form Lt Gen Del Vecchio, NRDC-IT Commander. (Photo 269Kb)
A circulant graph Γ is a Cayley graph over a cyclic group C n. In the talk we consider the automorphism groups of such graphs. We present a description of Aut Γ in terms of ...
Maometto secondo István Kovács Condulmiero Mihai Zamfir Selimo Christian-Andreas Engelhardt Synopsis. Act 1. The story takes place during the XVth century in Negroponte.
FARUM S.A. (Medical Devices industry): Sales Director, (January 2008-March 2010)
FARUM S.A. (Medical Devices industry): Export Manager, (Sep...
Siemens (Public Company; 201-500 employees; Telecommunications industry): Support - team ...