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We found 1484 member(s) with profiles that match Gender: Female. ... ioana lungu
Telephone number: 0040-264-594675 GSM: 0040-752-125598 Email: [email protected] Contact person: Ioana Lungu more information
Ioana Lungu- volunteer Olde Vechte Foundation- [email protected] . Marco Vlaming- head trainer Peacemaker Project- [email protected]
MIA IOANA LUNGU şi LUCIAN ONIŢA: Program: V. Timaru – “Troparul naşterii Domnului” Gh. Cucu – “Stihiri din Catavasiile Întâmpinării Domnului”
ARABESQUE (Retail industry): HR SPECIALIST, (August 2007-May 2008) Responsibilities: Conducting the selection and recruiting process for the location from Iasi: - Establi...