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Top row (from left to right): Dr Jane Renehan, Dr Dominique Crowley, Dr Michael Casey, Prof Ian McAulay, Dr Neil O'Donovan, Prof Brendan McClean.
Phone: 01 2720511/0876370385 Email: [email protected]: Ian Mcaulay, Mcaulay Architects Chuch Hill, Wicklow Town, Co.Wicklow. Phone: 0868575383
Prof Ian McAulay, Professor Experimental Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Retired. Prof Brendan McClean, Chief Physicist, St Lukes Hospital Dublin
Aidan Doyle 087-2903946 Ian McAulay Ladies Football Officer: Veronica Leonard Lotto Co-Ordinator: Coley Morley, John Dowling
Ian McAulay Partner, McAulay Rice Architects Wicklow Town "Parkland Construction has worked in conjunction with PAS Surveying & Design Services for some years now.