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Företagsekonomi C med inriktning mot logistik 7.5. Företagsekonomi C med inriktning mot ... Fek A. Ekonomistyrning. S08. Håkan A. Andersson Gösta Söderström Henrik Linderoth
Henrik Linderoth and Annika Lundqvist Learn not to learn – Paradoxical knowledge creation and learning in ERP-projects . Henrik Linderoth and Giuseppina Pellegrino
Responsible for Course: Anneli Linde (AL) Catherine Lions (CL) Henrik Linderoth (HL) Telephone: 090-7867906 : E-mail: [email protected]
Associate professor Henrik Linderoth, Umeå School of Business, Umeå University Dr. Garth McKay, Oregon Research Institute, USA Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, Department of Psychology ...
Associate professor Jesper Simonsen. Computer Science, Roskilde University, Denmark. Associate professor Henrik Linderoth. Umeå School of Business, Umeå University
Ume University, Ume School of Business & Economics (Higher Education industry): PhD, Assistant Professor, (2000-Present)
Copenhagen Business School (Educational Institution; H...