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My field of research concerns the crustaceans and can be divided in 3 major points: 1) Lifecycle studies of barnacles and related crustacean groups have constituted a major part of ...
Department for evolutionary biology ... Research interests. My research focus on the biology and evolution of the barnacles (Cirripedia ...
5020 Bergen Norway. Group leader: Henrik Glenner [email protected] Phone: +47 55584526. Members: alphabetical list. by research field
Contact: Henrik Glenner +47 55 58 45 26 Email: [email protected] ; The influence of trematodes for the Fitness, survival of green crabs in Lovns Breding.
Olivier Falk-Rønne: Arthropodernes Systematik – med særlig fokus på molekylære data og Hexapoda/Crustacea-relationer (with Henrik Glenner and Bo Vest Pedersen, finished ...