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Trinity Housing is a newly formed Housing Association through the transfer of engagements from Choice Housing Association and Corinthian Housing Association
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ORG, H, HE, HEA, HEAR: Owner: Frans Coninx ([email protected]) Registered: 2004-02-05: Expire: 2012-02-05: Registrar: Public Interest Registry: Votes:
click to show HTML code for this site: Tree: COM, H, HE, HEA: Owner: (@) Registered: 2004-03-22: Expire: 2011-03-22: Registrar: HICHINA ZHICHENG TECHNOLOGY LTD.
Thisisbecausethe numbers arenotsufficientlylargetoregisterin overall percentages.*Thesefiguresarethe most recentfindingsbyt he HEA and arebasedonthe 2003-2004academicyear.