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Address: Polish Consulate in Trondheim, Norway Deloitte TMV-Kaia 23 7485 Trondheim ... E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Harald Lydersen 90 74 35 75: Portugal: Olav Tryggvassonsgt. 40: John Binde 97 60 94 00: Romania: Kjøpmannsgt. 52: Terje Roll-Danielsen 90 09 04 93: Slovakia
Consul Harald Lydersen, Consulate of the Republic of Poland "Polish Trondheim" 10.40- 11.10. Ambassador Andrzej Jaroszyński, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs" Poland and Norway.
e-mail: [email protected] . The Sultanate of Oman. No mission. Territory under jurisdiction of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Kuwait.