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Academic year: 2009-2010: Course code module: 1BINF-032: Semester: 1st semester: Credits: 9: Study load (hours) 252: Theory (hours): 45,00: Practice/Exercises(hours):
Hans VANGHELUWE. 3480 University Street . Montreal, QC H3A 2A7. E-mail: [email protected] . Paul VAN ACKER. PO Box 434 St. Adolphe, MB R5A 1A2. E-mail: [email protected]
WEST: modelling biological wastewater treatment Henk Vanhooren, Jurgen Meirlaen, Yo uri Amerlinck, Filip Claeys, Hans Vangheluwe and Peter A. Vanrolleghem Henk Vanhooren EPASNV, ...
Hans Vangheluwe, McGill University, Montreal, Canada . Clark Verbrugge, McGill University, Montreal, Canada . International Programme Committee
Hans Vangheluwe, McGill University, Canada ... Ragnhild Van Der Straeten Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Ragnhild Van Der ...
University of Antwerp (Educational Institution; Research industry): Professor, (2009-Present)
McGill University (Educational Institution; Higher Education industry): Associate Profe...