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Heuristics per historical period: Middle Ages,Early Modern Period, Contemporary Period: FLWG100300
Hier vindt u alle projecten die onder de naam van dit personeelslid in de onderzoeksdatabank UA zijn opgenomen en waarbij dit personeelslid betrokken is, hetzij als promotor ...
Guido Marnef. Id: UA_05651. University of Antwerp. Electronic addresses: [email protected] Electronic addresses: 03 2654295. Science Domains: History
Hollandus's tracks. The alchemical textual body of Hollandus and it reception in the ... Guido Marnef. Co-promoter 1 Jan 2008 → 31 Dec 2011
Prof. dr. Guido Marnef; Collaborators: Prof. dr. Peter Stabel Relationships between the urban elites and countryside ones, social norms and markets
University of Antwerp (Educational Institution; Research industry): Professor, (October 1983-Present) Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, USA, January - August 1995;...