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Joana Seixas – [email protected] Ann Lecluyse – [email protected]. Gert Vercauteren – [email protected]
(Gert Vercauteren) Meylaerts, Reine (2004). L'aventure flamande de la Revue Belge. Langues, littératures et cultures dans l'entre-deux-guerres. (Karen Vandemeulebroucke) Orero, Pilar ...
Iwona Mazur - Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Agnieszka Szarkowska - University of Warsaw, Poland Gert Vercauteren - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jimmy Ureel: Form-focused instruction and the acquisition of temporal form-meaning-use mappings by Dutch-speaking L2 learners of English; Gert Vercauteren: Inzichten in filmische ...
Belgian State dpt of Finance (Government Administration industry): Principal Inspector, (April 1999-Present)
De Neef en Partners bedrijfsrevisoren (Accounting industr...