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Marghitas, Otilia Bobis, Laura Stan, Victorita Bonta, Ovidiu Maghear, Georgeta Dinita, Olimpia Morar, Physical-chemical attributes and mineral content of Heather honey (Calluna ...
(România) Alexandra Matei , Georgeta Dinita, Laura Stan, Lenghel G., Dolis M., Gabriela Cornescu, C. Ungureanu: Reaserches regarding the silkworm hybrids market in Romania.
MĂRGHITAŞ, Otilia BOBIŞ, Laura STAN, Victoriţa BONTA, Ovidiu MAGHEAR, Georgeta DINITA, Olimpia MORAR
Hisham Fouad Greiss, Georgeta Dinita, Doina Brailoiu Tanase . Study on the addition of balanced secondary and micronutrients to mulberry plantations in Egyptian conditions
HP (Public Company; 10,001 or more employees; HPQ; Information Technology and Services indust...