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Department measure-display systems Constantin Maracine 0722-340.193 George Moraru 0732-126.543 Department Machine Tools Department Pneumatics, Connectors George Moraru ...
In Trophy Manager you take on the challenge of thousands of other real life players. The most advanced FREE online manager game out there!
In Trophy Manager you take on the challenge of thousands of other real life players. The most advanced FREE online manager game out there!
... based on 2Dorthogonalview alignment 263 Jiantao Pu, Karthik Ramani (USA) Filling holes inmeshes for efficient reverse engineering of products 273 Jean-Philippe Pernot, George Moraru ...
George Moraru Office: +40.21.330.2191 Cel: +40.744.181924. Ionut (Johnny) Pogacean Cel: +40.720.056.790. Lucian Vlaicu Cel: +40.745.111.812. Mariusz Kobus