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“Greece is widening after disappointing Q2 GDP figures,” said Markit’s Gavan Nolan. The 10-year Greek/German government bond yield spread was steady at around 810 bps.
"It's the same trend we've been seeing," said Gavan Nolan, an analyst at Markit. "The market is very nervy." Irish, European Union and International Monetary Fund officials all said ...
First, the worry-warts: Gavan Nolan, vice president of credit research at Markit, notes that “the pressure is mounting on the peripheral euro-zone countries” in an e-mail today
... new young people with professional qualifications in areas such as facilities management, examples of this are Ian Murray, Aisling Kennedy, Derek Martin and Gavan Nolan
North Sydney Institute of TAFE (Facilities Services industry): Assistant Facilities Manger, (February 1999-February 2000)