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Franz PICHLER. Jonannes Kepler University Linz Austria. Ganti Prasada RAO. UNESCO - EOLSS Joint Committee Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates. L. RUTKOWSKI. Czestochowa University of Technology
Roberto Moreno-Diaz, Franz Pichler (eds). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 24-28, 2003. Berlin [i in.]: Springer, cop. 2003 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0301 ...
Prof. Franz Pichler from Johannes Kepler University, Linz Launch of the Astronomia Nova CD Mgr. Horymir Kubicek - Multimedia presentation in the motion-picture theatre of the NTM
The Weizer Energy Innovation Centre Franz-Pichler-Strasse 30 - A-8160 Weiz Tel.: +43 3172 603 1101 Fax : +43 3172 603 -9 franz.kern
Franz Pichler Manfred Reither. Netherlands. Bert van der Gest Edwin Hoogschagen Jan-Simon Hoogschagen Richard Leentvaar Jan Prygoda Hanneke Snabel